Photography #19: “Down The Trail”

Hello, everybody~! Minah here~! 😉 🙂 😀 *smiles & waves hello* I have a BRAND-NEW photography post to share with you all today!! YAY~!!! 😀 *smiles excitedly* In THIS post, I have NUMEROUS photos, but ALL with the same theme! 🙂 😀 *smiles happily* These photos are called “Down The Trail!” 🙂 *smiles* I REALLY hope that you ALL will enjoy~! 😉 *hopeful face* Now, let’s get started, shall we? 

Photography #19

* Title: “Down The Trail”
* Photographer: Me (Minah H.)
* Date Taken: May 27th, 2017
* Location: Rockwood Park
* Notes: I have NUMEROUS photos in THIS post! 🙂 *smiles* Aren’t they pretty?

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